Friday 4 April 2014

Flash Fiction Friday: About time

About time

The five years we had been together had been perfect, well as perfect as they could be considering the one thing we both wanted, the one thing every loving couple wanted, was missing.
Now though, as I stared out of the living room window with Marc dozing on my shoulder and the film he had chosen for us on the screen, I allowed myself to smile because exactly twenty four hours from now Marc and I would be legally married and at last we would have the equality we had spent years fighting, with millions of others around the world for.


Please, after reading my flash, please visit
and read what wonderful flashes my friends have for you this week.
Thank you


Anonymous said...

Awww, lovely! *sniffs*

Rolling Muse in The Roses said...

I love this!! So heart warming and beautiful. Beautiful flash. ;)